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Can you forecast if a corporate banking client will be active in the following week?
The objective of this challenge is to create a machine learning algorithm to determine if a user performs a specific action (such as making a purchase) in a 6-hour period over the course of a day, based on previous event data for seven weeks.
There are 4 200 customers, across five countries over a period of seven weeks. The training set is 7 weeks of data, and the last day of the final week will be the test set, where the target is whether a client performed event 14 during that day at 6-hour intervals.
This challenge is also unique in that the data is provided in the same way it would be encoded for machine learning - testing participants' data analysis and reasoning skills from the outset, having to discover the logical relationships before building models.
Variable Definitions
eventdatetime: event date and time in “Y-m-d H:M:S” format
event: name of the event (will be “signup”, “purchase”, etc)
userid: the ID of the specific user logged in
dayofweek: day of week the transaction was made on, you can use df['dayofweek'] = df['eventdatetime'].dt.day_name() to get the day of the week
useremaildomain: user’s email provider (“”, “”, etc)
userrole: used to indicate user level – regular employee through to financial director etc
companyprofileid: company ID
country: jurisdiction of the user (South Africa, Botswana, etc)