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AFD Solutions for Gender-based Violence Challenge

What solutions can you build using datasets related to gender-based violence?
Trigger warning: The data in this competition can contain graphic descriptions or images of or extensive discussion of abuse, especially sexual abuse or torture.
The data for this challenge are all the dataset collected from the AFD Gender-Based Violence Dataset Collection Challenge. You may collect other dataset as long as you share them on the discussion board so everyone can use them. No external dataset are allowed after 1 August 2021. All data must be shared on the discussion board and Zindi must okay the dataset before you can use it.
The objective of this competition is to provide insights about gender-based violence in a logical, informative way.
Make sure that you present any findings with the appropriate amount of explanation. Models (if used) should be interpreted and explained - the goal is understanding, not just accuracy. Submissions can be made in any format, provided our judges can view them. Jupyter notebooks, PDFs, interactive websites… However, ALL code used for your submission must be shared, and should follow the Zindi guidelines on documentation etc. Your submission needs to include references to all papers, blogs and articles used.
