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This is the dataset used in the research paper: Contains 1,820 lines of translations....

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Machine Learning, which aims at removing language barrier, uses the performance of computers to achieve efficient translation of any language text. For non-native Efik/Ibibio speakers, the cost of learning this language may be high and very difficult to reach the l...

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African Voices is a collaborative project that aims to collects high-quality speech (tts) datasets and synthesizers for all African languages. You can search datasets and synthesizers by language. You can also synthesize text from your synthesizer of choice. Additi...

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AfroLID is a powerful neural toolkit for African languages identification which covers 517 African languages....

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Language identification (LID) is a crucial precursor for NLP, especially for mining web data. Problematically, most of the world's 7000+ languages today are not covered by LID technologies. We address this pressing issue for Africa by introducing AfroLID, a neural ...

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Ayekoo Afrique was created with the primary interest of making the learning of African languages an easy task to people such as Africans in the Diaspora, African Americans who although living outside the African continent share a connection with us by reason of anc...

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Modern speech synthesis techniques can produce natural-sounding speech given sufficient high-quality data and compute resources. However, such data is not readily available for many languages. This paper focuses on speech synthesis for low-resourced African languag...

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Gboard is a virtual keyboard app developed by Google for Android and iOS devices.

This paper presents a description and analysis of logophoric pronouns in Ibibio. I show that Ibibio logophors, although they behave in most respects like typical logophoric pronouns in West African languages, obey Shift Together like shifted indexicals. In order to...

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The Mandla dictionary is an online open source crowd sourced dictionary for African languages. It features definitions, etymology, and example sentences written in the native language using both indigenous scripts and latin script, as well as parallel definitions w...

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Language resources are typically defined and created for application in speech technology contexts, but the documentation of languages which are unlikely ever to be provided with enabling technologies nevertheless plays an important role in defining the heritage of...

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PanLex, a project of The Long Now Foundation, aims to enable the translation of lexemes among all human languages in the world. By focusing on lexemic translations, rather than grammatical or corpus data, it achieves broader lexical and language coverage than relat...

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PanLex is a nonprofit whose mission is to overcome language barriers to human rights, information, and opportunities. We believe that nobody should have their rights restricted because of the language they speak.

Welcome to the LLSTI Downloads area. All of our languages and tools were built for Festival 1.95-beta and Speech Tools 1.2.95-beta, which may still be available for download from here. Please download Festival and Speech Tools first, untar them, configure and bui...

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